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Installation of Solar Street Lights
ItendraMedtiyan is a small post at Khor village in Pali district of Rajasthan, with a population of 6800 people. The Sarpanch of ItendraMedtiyan raised the issue of no street lights in the village. The Sarpanch, also addressing environmental issues and setting an example for neighbouring villages, identified at least 75 locations and asked for support in setting up solar lights at these locations to solve the issue.

ChandraMohan Foundation, with the CSR support of Sanjay Chemicals (India) Private Limited, supported the installation of 83 solar street light poles at the identified locations, covering the entire village. A short survey using FGDs (Focused Group Discussions) with important stakeholders was done, and the stakeholder group represented by the Sarpanch gave very positive feedback for this initiative.